128 Secunia PSI (RC4) 140 The %s can only be run by an Administrator.\nPlease log in with Administrative privileges and try running the application again. 141 Unable to retrieve PSI user ID from Secunia.\n\nPlease verify that you are able to connect to https://psi.secunia.com/ and then restart the PSI.\n\nNOTE: Proxy support for the PSI is currently unavailable, but is planned for a future release. If your system requires access to the Internet through a proxy you will not be able to use the application at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. 142 Unable to initialize %s:\n\n%s 143 Error initializing COM library 144 If you exit the application, the %s will no longer alert you to Insecure/End-of-Life software installed on your computer, increasing the chances your system could be compromised due to out of date software.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit the %s? 145 Invalid program file name.\n\nRename the executable file to "%s" and try again 146 An error occurred while verifying the Security Certificate.\n\nThe %s cannot continue execution. 154 The program's executable is missing or could not be found.\n\nPlease select the main applications's executable, .dll, or .ocx file, then try submitting the form again. 155 An error occurred while inspecting the specified file 160 %s is still running 161 %s is running in the background. To open the application, double click on the program's icon. 170 day 171 days 172 hour 173 hours 174 minute 175 minutes 176 second 177 seconds 178 Less than a minute 57344 Secunia PSI (RC4) 57345 Ready